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Register / Login

(Non-Chinese ID Holders)



Register / Login

(Non-Chinese ID Holders)

Vistor Pre-registration

China Beauty Expo-Hangzhou is scheduled to take place on
Sep 11-12, 2024 at the Hangzhou International Expo Center(HIEC).

Please complete your "Real-name"registration in advance. Passport/Travel Document is required for venue entry.

If you don’t receive verification code email, please check your spam box.

Check here to indicate that you have read and agreed to EXHIBITION VISITOR REGULATION、 PRIVACY POLICY and THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS
Check here to indicate that you have read and agreed to EXHIBITION VISITOR REGULATION、 PRIVACY POLICY and THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS

持有大陆身份证用户, 请点此预登记。

For Chinese ID holders, please click here.

Privacy Policy

Introduction and who we are

The Privacy Policy is issued on behalf by Shanghai Baiwen Exhibition Co., Ltd., a joint-venture company between Informa Exhibitions PTE. LTD. established as an event organiser and reseller of exhibition space.  In this Privacy Policy where “the organisers”, "we", "us" or "our" appears, it refers to Informa Exhibitions PTE. LTD.

We take the privacy and protection of data and information seriously and are committed to handling the personal information of all those we engage with, whether customers, suppliers, colleagues or any other community, responsibly and in a way that meets the legal requirements of the countries in which we operate.

As part of using our products and services, browsing our websites and WeChat mini-programs, and contacting the business, data and information is collected. This Privacy Policy sets out our approach to safeguarding and maintaining the privacy of that personal information, and explains what data is collected, how it is used, the legal basis for its use, and the rights individuals have over that data.

What we collect 

This section tells you what personal information we may collect when you use our products and services, and what other personal information we may receive from other sources. 

In this Privacy Policy, the term ‘personal information’ refers to the types of personal information that may be collected and used, including:

. Contact details, such as name, email address, postal address and telephone number

. Educational, nationality and professional information

. Usernames and passwords

. Payment information, such as a credit or debit card number or bank account details

. Device information related the security of orders and other necessary information required by anti-money laundering regulations;

. Images processed for use in virtual event profiles and in live event advertisements;  

. Comments, feedback, posts and other content submitted, including survey information 

. Interests and communication preferences including marketing permissions where appropriate, including products, stores, channels, live broadcast rooms, content (graphics, text, short videos) whether you expressed interest

. Location information such as provided through a mobile app

. Identity verifying information such as passport details to comply with legal obligations in certain countries and to provide visa invitation letters where requested 

. P ersonal identity numbers and scanned copy of the identity documents, during in-person events in China, in order to fulfill legal obligations such as epidemic prevention and public security management. We may retain this information for the time necessary and within the retention period stipulated by laws and administrative regulations. We may also share that information with government authorities.

. Website, WeChat mini-programs and communication usage information, such as correspondence and details of your use of our website and services obtained through cookies or other tracking technologies.

This personal information relates to the following categories of people:

. Prospects, customer contacts, subscribers and users in respect of our services and products;

. Visitors, sponsors, exhibitors and speakers at our events;

. Contacts of our service providers and business partners

Sensitive personal information
If collecting or storing sensitive personal information, such as information relating to health, financial details, beliefs or political affiliation, we will typically ask for your explicit consent. However, there are some limited situations where this will not occur such as if you have an accident. If this does occur, we will ensure your privacy rights are protected.

Children’s personal information
Our services and products are directed at business professionals. They are not intended for children under the age of sixteen. We do not knowingly collect personal information from users in this age group and reserve the right to delete such information if we become aware of having collected it. 

Business Information

If you are registering as a merchant or other roles which required additional identity authentication, on our websites and WeChat mini-programs, we may collect business information such as business license, main products, the scope and size of business, procurement needs, etc. for verification, registration, sharing and other related purposes to facilitat e  transactions.


How and why personal information is used 

This section explains how and why we use personal information.

In product enquiries, sales and administration

If you have made an enquiry about us or our products or services, either online or over the phone, your personal information will be used to respond to the enquiry or to take other steps at your request, prior to you entering into a contract with us. 

If you have purchased or registered for one of our products or services, including on a trial basis, we will use your personal information, including bank or card details, to provide you with the product or service, communicate with you about it, handle payments and recover any debts.

In call monitoring for training and quality monitoring purposes

Where one of our sales representatives speaks to you over the phone, the calls may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

For event and exhibition management

If you participate in one of our events as a speaker, sponsor, exhibitor or attendee, your personal information will be used in connection with the running of the event, to handle payments and recover debts.

We will also use your personal information to maintain databases that allow us to assess your qualities as a speaker or sponsor/exhibitor, promote events and encourage further engagement at our events. 

In addition, photos and videos are taken at our events, which may feature attendees, speakers, sponsors or exhibitors. Where we have taken photos and videos at our events that feature you as an attendee, sponsor or exhibitor, to the extent permitted by applicable data protection laws, those photos and videos may be used for promotional purposes. 

Where events and exhibitions use badge scanning technology your personal information will be used to identify you at certain access points, such as to VIP areas, seminars, entry and exit and other areas of the event. This will provide certain location information. Badges cannot be read remotely.

The personal information obtained from badge scanning will be used for access control, security and analysing visitor traffic with a view to improving the event experience for visitors and others. 

You can also allow your badge to be scanned by event exhibitors. When you do so your contact details will be shared with the relevant exhibitor and used in accordance with applicable data protection laws, the exhibitor’s privacy policy and any other notices or consents you are provided with or given at the event.

Where we are hosting and managing a virtual exhibition or event the organisers (and any third party platform provider acting on our behalf) will use your personal information provided during the registration process to host and manage this digital event and for analysing visitor interactions and traffic with a view to improving the event experience for visitors and provide you with a personalized experience.

When you entering a virtual spaces, zone or room such as an exhibition booth your personal information may be shared with the sponsor and exhibitor to allow them to engage with you subject to the attendee privacy notice you may have been provided during the registration and login process.

For marketing 

We may use your personal information to send you newsletters, offers or other marketing emails that keep you up to date with our news, events and products that may be of interest. Depending on the nature of your interaction with us and applicable data protection laws, you may have actively given us your consent (i.e. opted in) or we may be entitled to rely on your implied consent or legitimate interests to market to you. The opportunity to opt out of future marketing will always be provided and you have the right to amend your marketing preferences at any time (see Your Rights section). 

Some of our events, products and mar keting are co-branded or sponsored by third party exhibitors or sponsors. We may share your details with these third-party partners. Where this happens, a clear notice will be provided that gives the opportunity to opt out or opt-in to such sharing as required by applicable data protection laws. The third-party partner’s use of your details will be in accordance with the notice provided and its Privacy Policy and is not covered by this Privacy Policy.

For customer and prospects management (including analytics and product management)

The personal information held about you, combined with other personal information legitimately obtained and shared with us by third parties or publicly available data, may be used to better understand our customers and their preferences and to improve the products and services delivered. This may include automated profiling and campaign management techniques.

Data may also be used in advertising campaigns on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook in order to provide information about upcoming events or new products and to ensure you only receive relevant advertising about our products and services.

For mobile applications and website analytics

We may combine visitor session information or other information collected through tracking technologies, whether you are logged in or not, with personally identifiable information to understand and analyse your online experiences and determine which events, products and services are likely to be of interest to you.

Where you consent to the use of your location data, certain mobile applications may use location data to assist you to navigate around events and bring exhibitors’ and sponsors’ products to your attention whilst you are using the app.

Our marketing related emails contain a single, campaign-unique “web beacon pixel” to tell us whether emails are opened, and combined with other technology, to verify any clicks through to links within the email. We may use this information for purposes including determining which emails are of more interest to you and to query whether users who do not open our emails wish to continue receiving them. The pixel will be deleted when you delete the email. 

Where you subscribe to an online service, the accompanying emails similarly include a pixel. We track interaction with these emails and our online services to validate attendance for accreditation purposes, to help determine which information is of interest to you and to customise the advertisements seen on our sites.

If you do not wish the pixel to be downloaded to your device, you should choose not to click links that we send or to opt out of email marketing or online events. This information may be connected to your personal identity.

While we strive to offer choice when using our website and mobile applications, we do not promise that we will be able to receive or honour web browser Do Not Track signals.

Within online membership communities, bulletin boards and chat areas (including WeChat groups)

You may choose to participate in WeChat groups organized by our Enterprise WeChat account and online membership communities on our sites that allow you to create and publish a profile and other personal information. These communities may provide privacy controls that allow choice in how much of your profile and other information to make public or to share with others within the community.

Privacy controls are usually found on the page on which you edit your profile, and each individual is responsible for understanding how those controls work, including default settings, and choosing how the information provided is shared and protected. By participating in these WeChat groups and online membership communities you may be contacted by other participants using the information provided.

When you disclose personal information on any public community boards, WeChat groups or chat areas of this website, your personal information can be collected and used by anyone who views that board, WeChat group or area. This may result in unsolicited messages from other participants or other parties, which are outside of our control or responsibility. In addition, the information you disclose may include your or others' personal information or even sensitive personal information. Please exercise extra caution when sharing or disclosing relevant information when using our services.

Where you engage with us in customer enquiry chat areas or WeChat groups, we will use any information provided to help recommend products and/or assist with confirming any order you wish to place.

For enquiries

Any personal information provided on the Contact Us page will be used only to provide a response or to service the request or enquiry made. The information provided will not be added to the marketing or customer prospect databases of our operating divisions.



For news alerts

The information collected when you sign up for news alerts is used only to provide that service, and to understand the background and interests of our subscriber list.

In providing the service we gather statistics about how many emails are opened, using industry standard technologies including image downloads. This is to help us monitor and improve the news alerts service and information is collected and analysed at an aggregate level only.

With your permission, from time to time we may use your registration details to contact you about the news alerts service. You can unsubscribe from the service at any time using links provided within our emails.

In automated decision-making, including profiling

We use fully automated algorithm-based technologies to personalise dynamic web content based on your explicit and/or implicit interests. General profiling, such as segmentation, is carried out for the purpose of providing a more relevant experience. Automated decision making is never used in any way that produces a legal or similarly significant effect.

When we use these techniques we use measures to avoid legally discriminatory biases and inaccuracies. These automated processes may result in different content being shown to you. 

For fulfilling legal obligations including anti-fraud measures and screening, pandemic prevention and Public Security

We and other organisations may also access and use certain personal information to prevent fraud as may be required by applicable law and regulation and best practice at any given time. If false or inaccurate information is provided and fraud is identified or suspected, details may be passed to fraud prevention agencies and may be recorded by us or by them.

To ensure we comply with international trade sanction laws and regulations, where appropriate customers, vendors and suppliers are screened against US, OFAC, BIS, UN, EU and UK sanctions lists. 

In order to comply with the epidemic prevention requirements of the People's Republic of China, we will collect personal identity numbers and scanned copy of the identity documents of attendee (Chinese ID card, passport and other ID document information) at in-person exhibitions and provide them to the relevant Chinese authorities. Those authorities or us may also store this information.




How we protect personal information 

We recognise the importance of protecting and managing personal information. Any personal information provided will be treated with the utmost care and security. This section sets out some of the security measures in place.  

We use a variety of physical and technical measures to keep personal information safe and prevent unauthorised access to, or use or disclosure of it.  Electronic data and databases are stored on secure computer systems with control over access to information using both physical and electronic means. Our colleagues receive data protection training and there is a set of detailed security and data protection policies which colleagues are required to follow when handling personal information.

While we take all reasonable steps to ensure that personal information will be kept secure from unauthorised access, we cannot guarantee it will be secure during transmission by you to a website or other services, as we do not control that transmission.  We make use of HTTPS (HTTP Secure) whereby the communication protocol is encrypted via Transport Layer Security (TLS) for secure communication over a computer network. The website is loaded via HTTPS, represented by the lock icon in your web browser ensuring the transmission is secured with a certificate issued by an official security certificate authority to the Controller operating it. 

When using our B2B WeChat mini-program for transactions, you will inevitably disclose your personal information to potential trading parties, please properly protect your personal information and provide it to others only when it’s necessary. If you find that your personal information has been leaked, please contact our customer service immediately


International transfer of personal information

In principle, your personal information will be processed within China. However, as a global company, your personal information may be provided to Informa affiliates (including companies established outside of China) for global management and business planning purposes. For such cross-border transfers, we will obtain your separate consent and meet the requirements and procedures in accordance with applicable Chinese law.

In some cases, we may also use service providers outside of China to assist us in processing your personal information. We will take necessary measures in accordance with the law, including but not limited to obtaining your separate consent, and ensuring the transfer complies with the requirements and procedures stipulated by applicable Chinese laws. We will provide additional information on the cross-border transfer on the relevant pages of specific products, services and activities, and seek your separate consent.


If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or complaints about the cross-border processing of personal information described above, you can contact us or contact overseas recipients through the contact details listed in this policy or Informa's Group Privacy Policy .



A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identifier that is automatically placed on a user’s computer or other device when the user visits a website.  In general, cookies may be disabled by the user controlling and/or amending the browser settings according to the instructions made available by the relevant suppliers at the links listed here below:

-  Internet Explorer

-  Mozilla Firefox

-  Google Chrome

-  Apple Safari

-  Opera 


Third-party links

This website contains links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these websites and do not accept any liability in connection with their content. We recommend reviewing the privacy policy of each third-party site linked from this website to determine its use of your personal information.


Who personal information is shared with 

To provide you with services and products, your information may be shared for specific reasons. This section explains how and why personal data is shared.

We will only share your personal information if we have obtained your separate consent as required by PIPL or in circumstances where your consent is not required according to laws and regulations .


Sharing with  affiliates

We may share your personal information with our affiliates.


If we are sharing personal information with affiliates outside of China, we will also ensure the compliance with the requirements and procedures set forth in the "International Transfer of Personal Information" section. We only share personal information when it’s necessary, and within the purposes stated in this policy, if we share your sensitive personal information or the affiliates that we share personal information with changes the purpose and/or the way of processing of personal information, we will seek your authorization and consent again.


We will ensure the security of your personal information transmission and processing when it is shared with others, through well-define standards, agreements, and technical controls


Sharing with Service Providers

We may share your personal information with third parties who assist in providing our products and services and administering our business. These include IT and marketing technology host suppliers, web and data hosting providers, mailing houses, ad servers, logistics and general services contractors, debt collection agencies, onsite health and safety partners, event registration partners, sales platform providers, communication tool providers, stand designers/builders/fitters, suppliers of sponsorship/marketing/PR collateral and other event collaboration partners. Personal information will only be shared with third parties if and to the extent it is necessary for them to provide our products and services to you.

In particular, in order to improve the strength and stability of our WeChat mini-programs, we might embed application program interfaces (APIs) and software tool development kits (SDKs) or other similar applications of authorized partners (including WeChat companies, online banking or third-party payment platforms, etc.). We will conduct strict security testing on the APIs and SDKs from authorized partners to obtain relevant information and establish strict data protection agreements which require authorized partners to process personal information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, as well as this Policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures, unless authorized partners obtain your consent separately.

We use web chat services including that allow us to connect with you and answer sales and customer services questions quickly and directly. We ensure these service providers protect your data but these chats are intended to provide you with quick answers to basic service questions only and you should not provide any sensitive information such as bank or credit card details in these chats.

These data processors are bound to compliance through contracts in place that protects the personal information you have shared with us.

Sharing with other Organisations

We may share your personal information with trusted partner organisations for their marketing purposes in accordance with local data protection laws and where required, with your permissions. 

If you use one of our virtual products, such as a virtual exhibition, directory site or webinar, or choose to allow your badge to be scanned at an event, we may pass the information you provide to third parties. Generally, this will be via a process whereby you, as the user, visit or interact with a third party such as by visiting a stand at an online exhibition, having your badge scanned or clicking an asset branded and provided by a third party. In some instances, for example, a product listing site, you may reach out directly to a supplier or exhibitor, who may contact you in return. In other instances, our virtual products are sponsored and, in these cases, the data provided will be given to the sponsor. Generally, we will let you know at the time of collection if a product is sponsored.

We may also share your personal information or business information, if we determine that you have violated laws and regulations or seriously violated the relevant agreements and rules of the platforms you signed up to, to protect the personal and property safety of other users from infringement.


We may share big data analysis of personal information with third parties, when such information has gone through statistical processing and therefore cannot be linked to personal identity.


To reorganise or make changes to our business

In the event that we are subject to negotiations for the sale of all or a part of our business to a third party, are sold to a third party or undergo a re-organisation, we may need to transfer some or all of your personal information to the relevant third party or its advisors as part of any due diligence process. We will put reasonable controls on your personal information by signing confidentiality agreements with relevant third-parties.

Any information that is transferred to that re-organised entity or third party and will be used for the same purposes as set out in this policy, or for the purpose of analysing any proposed sale or re-organisation. If the third party changes the original processing purpose and processing method, your consent will need to be obtained again.


In connection with legal or regulatory obligations

We may process your personal information to comply with our legal and regulatory requirements or to respond to regulators where applicable. This may include disclosing your personal information to third parties, the court service and/or regulators or law enforcement agencies in connection with enquiries, proceedings or investigations by such parties anywhere in the world or where compelled to do so.

In some circumstances, we may be legally required to disclose your personal information because a court, the police, another judicial or law enforcement body or government entity has asked us for it.





How long information is kept 

We will only retain personal information for as long as is necessary and as permitted by applicable laws. 

We will retain personal information while we are using it, as described in the section above.  We may continue to retain it after we have ceased such uses for certain legitimate business purposes.  For example, if you have opted out of marketing communications from us, we will retain limited details about you to ensure we can honour your opt-out request. We may also continue to retain your personal information to meet our legal requirements or to defend or exercise our legal rights. 

The length of time for which we will retain your personal information will depend on the purposes for which we need to retain it and whether we can achieve these purposed by other means, as well as the volume, nature and sensitivity of the personal information, the risks that may arise from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal information and applicable legal requirements, including but not limited to the Personal Information Protection Law and the E-Commerce Law of the People's Republic of China. After the expiration of the retention period, we will delete or anonymize your relevant personal information unless we obtain your explicit consent.

Your rights 

If you have any questions in relation to our use of your personal information, contact us. Under certain conditions, you (Or in limited circumstances, your next of kin) may have the right to require us to:

. Provide you with further details on the use we make of your information

. Provide you with a copy of information that you have provided to us

. Update any inaccuracies in the personal information we hold

. Delete any personal information that we no longer have a lawful ground to use, of the collection or use of the personal information violates the applicable law or our agreement with you

. violates the applicable law or our agreement with you

. Cease direct marketing to you

. Request the transfer of your personal information to another personal information processor

. Restrict or refuse others to process your personal information

Please contact us if you would like to exercise any of the above rights. You may find our contact information at the end of this policy.

For security reasons, we may verify your identity before processing your request. After verifying your identity, we will respond to your request in a timely manner and give a reply and reasonable explanation within the time limit stipulated by applicable laws and regulations or inform you of external ways to resolve disputes.

However, we may not be able to respond to your request in some circumstances, such as those in connection with:

-     our performance of our obligations under laws and regulations;

-     national security, national defense and security;

-     public safety, public health, or major public interests;

-     criminal investigations, prosecutions and trials;

-     evidence of malice or abuse of rights;

-     protection of the life, property and other major legal rights and interests of you or other individuals;

-     issues where responding to your request will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals or organizations;

-     trade secrets.


In connection with requests for deletion of personal information, due to applicable legal and security technical restrictions, we may not be able to immediately delete the corresponding information from backup systems.  In such cases, we will securely store your personal information and restrict any further processing of it until the backup can be erased or anonymized.

Your exercise of these rights is subject to certain exemptions to safeguard the public interest (e.g. the prevention or detection of crime) and our interests (e.g. the maintenance of legal privilege). If you exercise any of these rights we will check your entitlement and respond in most cases within a month.


Updating your information and marketing preferences 

We want to ensure you remain in control of your personal information. We try to ensure the personal information held about you is accurate and up-to-date. We will always provide the opportunity to unsubscribe or opt out of future marketing communications.

Information on how to unsubscribe or opt out will be provided on every marketing email we send you.  However, if at any stage you would like to update and/or correct such personal information, or opt-out of future marketing communications, request this by sending an email to groupdpo@informa.com 


Contacting us  

For any questions about this Privacy Policy contact:

Group DPO5 Howick Place, London, SW1P 1WG 

E-mail: groupdpo 


We hope we will be able to resolve any privacy concerns you may have. However, you always have the right to complain to the competent court at the registered address of Informa Exhibitions PTE. LTD. or any supervisory authority or other public body with responsibility for enforcing privacy laws in your country.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

To keep up with changing legislation, best practice and changes in how we process personal information, we may revise this Privacy Policy at any time by posting a revised version on this website. In the event of any material change to this Privacy Policy, we will provide notice via email or our website or by other means. To stay up to date on any changes, check back periodically. You acknowledge that your continued use of our products or services after we publish or send a notice about our changes to this Privacy Policy means that the collection, use and sharing of your personal data is subject to the updated Privacy Policy, as of its effective date.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on Dec-28, 2022.




These terms and conditions apply to visitor registrations for events (each an “Event”) organised by Informa Markets (referred to as “we/our/us”), which is a trading division of the Informa Group.  The parent company of the Informa Group is Informa PLC.  A full list of entities within the Informa Group is available on request.


As a potential visitor to an Event (referred to as “you/your”), please read these terms and conditions carefully as they contain important information.  By submitting your registration, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

1. Your registration constitutes an offer by you to Informa Markets to attend the Event in accordance with these terms and conditions.  All registrations are subject to acceptance by Informa Markets.  If your registration is received in advance of the Event, it will either: (a) be confirmed in writing (including, without limitation, by email), or (b) if written confirmation is not sent within fourteen (14) days of us receiving your registration, be deemed to be confirmed unless we notify you otherwise.  If your registration is received only at the Event itself, it will be confirmed by the act of Informa Markets permitting you entrance to the Event.  Informa Markets reserves the right to refuse to accept any registration.

2. Your registration is issued for your personal use only.  You may not procure registrations as agent for any third party or sell or otherwise transfer your registration to others.

3. Informa Markets reserves the right at any time to change the format (including, without limitation, from a physical Event to a virtual Event and vice versa), content, location, venue, opening hours, duration, dates, other timings, participants and/or any other aspect of the Event, in each case without liability.  Informa Markets reserves the right to withdraw any registration after confirmation without liability. 

4. Save as expressly set out in these terms and conditions and/or as may be otherwise expressly advised as part of the particular Event’s registration process: (a) your registration for the Event is irrevocable and you have no rights to cancel your registration, and (b) any registration fees you have paid will not be refunded for any reason.

5. Informa Markets reserves the right to cancel or change the date(s) of the Event at any time and for any reason (whether or not due to causes beyond our reasonable control).  In the event that the date(s) of the Event are changed to new date(s) that are within twelve (12) months of the originally scheduled opening date of the Event, or where the Event is cancelled but is reasonably expected by Informa Markets to be held at any time in the next calendar year, then, unless we notify you otherwise, your registration will be deemed to be valid for the Event on the new date(s) or when it is next staged (as applicable) in the same way that it would have applied to the originally scheduled Event (and no refund of any paid registration fees will be issued).  Where all or part of the Event is cancelled and is not reasonably expected by Informa Markets to be held in the next calendar year, then your registration will no longer be deemed to be valid for the Event (or the cancelled portion of the Event, as applicable) and, at your election, any paid registration fees for the Event (or the cancelled portion of the Event, as applicable) will be refunded or a credit note issued for the same, and you will be released from paying any further amount of registration fees for the Event (or the cancelled portion of the Event, as applicable).  Service charges are non-refundable.  Personal arrangements, including, without limitation, travel and accommodation, are at your own risk and Informa Markets will not be liable for any costs relating to such arrangements, even if the Event is cancelled or moved to new date(s).  You acknowledge and agree that the provisions of this paragraph set out your sole remedy in the event of cancellation or the changing of the date(s) of the Event and all other liability of Informa Markets is hereby expressly excluded.

6. Our Events, whether physical or virtual, are principally directed at business professionals.  They are generally not intended for children under the age of sixteen (16).  Without limitation to the foregoing, there may be some areas of our Events where it is inappropriate or impractical for children under the age of sixteen (16) to be present (for example, during executive conference workshops) and Informa Markets reserves the right at any time to restrict entry to such areas accordingly.

7. Informa Markets reserves the right without liability to refuse admission to, or to eject/block from, the Event (whether physical or virtual) any person in its absolute discretion, including (without limitation) any person who fails to comply with these terms and conditions or who, in the opinion of Informa Markets, represents a security risk, nuisance or annoyance to the running of the Event.  You agree to comply with all reasonable instructions issued by Informa Markets, the venue owners, security personnel and/or management at the Event.

8. All unauthorised filming, sound recording and photography of the Event, and all unauthorised transmission of audio or visual material at the Event, by you is expressly prohibited.  You agree: (a) to surrender to Informa Markets or destroy on demand any material in whatever media recorded in violation of this paragraph, (b) that the copyright and other intellectual property rights in any such material shall vest in Informa Markets unconditionally and immediately on the creation of such material, and (c) to hold Informa Markets and all entities within the Informa Group (as well as any employees or other representatives of the same) harmless against any claims made in respect of such unauthorised activities.

9. You consent to filming, sound recording and photography at the Event, which may include, without limitation, filming, sound recording and photography featuring your image (the “Content”).  You acknowledge and agree that Informa Markets is the sole and exclusive owner of all rights in the Content and hereby waive any and all: (a) rights in and to such Content, and (b) claims that you may have relating to or arising from the Content and/or its use.  Without limitation, Informa Markets shall be permitted to use the Content anywhere in the World for promotional and other purposes, without any payment or compensation.

10. The personal information that you provide to Informa Markets will be held by us on a database and, where we have appropriate authorisation/justification (which may include, without limitation, express/implied consent or legitimate interests), may be shared with other entities within the Informa Group and selected third parties internationally for promotional and other purposes.  Your personal information may also be shared with government entities and regulatory authorities as required by law.  At some Events, exhibitors and sponsors may use lead capture applications or barcode scanner devices.  If you choose to allow your badge (whether physical or digital) to be scanned by third parties at the Event, we may pass your personal information to such third parties.  Further, there may be certain areas of the Event at which your attendance is conditional on your personal information being provided to third parties that have sponsored or are managing such areas.  The use that any third parties make of your personal information is outside of Informa Markets’ control and, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we do not accept any liability in this regard.  For more information about how we may use the personal information you provide to us please see our Privacy Policy

11. For virtual Events only: (a) you undertake to be responsible for any technical requirements needed to enable you to access the Event website, app or other platform (the “Event Platform”) made available by Informa Markets to facilitate participation in the Event.  We do not guarantee that the Event Platform will operate continuously, securely or without errors or interruption, and we do not accept any liability for its temporary unavailability.  We do not guarantee that the Event Platform and/or any content thereon (including, without limitation, any content available for download) will be free from viruses, infections, Trojan horses, worms and/or any other code that has contaminating or destructive properties.  You must not attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Event Platform (for example, by attempting to circumvent security or tamper with, hack into or otherwise disrupt any computer system, server, website, router or any other internet connected device).  You agree to comply with any website terms of use and/or fair or acceptable use policies indicated on any website on which the Event Platform is hosted, (b) we do not endorse or accept any responsibility for the content, or the use of, any goods or services that may be identified or described on the Event Platform and we shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of, or reliance on, any content, goods or services available on or through the Event Platform or any website or other resource referenced therein, (c) Informa Markets may issue you with a username and password.  Usernames and passwords are confidential and remain the property of Informa Markets at all times and may not be sold, assigned or transferred to any third party without our permission.  Your username and password are personal to you.  You hereby agree that you will not permit others to use your username or password and you will be and remain liable for the acts of any person using your username and password, (d) any posts, messages or other materials, information or data you supply or upload to the Event Platform (collectively, “Materials”) will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary, and we have the right to use, copy, distribute and disclose to third parties any such Materials for any purpose.  You hereby waive any moral rights in any Materials to the extent permitted by applicable law.  We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to edit or remove postings to any message boards on the Event Platform and delete or use electronic methods to block or filter any Materials at our discretion, but we do not have any obligation to do so.  You shall not make libellous postings or any postings that are illegal or infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party.  Informa Markets will not be responsible for monitoring Materials for compliance with law, (e) you may use the Event Platform solely for access to the Event.  Without limitation, you must not (i) download, store, reproduce, transmit, display, copy, distribute, exploit or use the Event Platform and/or any content thereon for your own commercial gain, (ii) use the Event Platform and/or any content thereon in any manner other than in compliance with law and these terms and conditions, (iii) infringe our intellectual property rights or those of any third party in relation to your use of the Event Platform and/or any content thereon, (iv) transmit, or procure the sending of, any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising or promotional material or any other form of similar solicitation, and/or (iv) knowingly transmit, send or upload any data that contains viruses, infections, Trojan horses, worms and/or any other code that has contaminating or destructive properties, and (f) we are under no obligation to oversee, monitor or moderate any interactive service we provide on the Event Platform and, without limitation, we expressly exclude all liability for any loss, injury or damage whatsoever arising from the use of any interactive service by any user, whether the service is moderated or not.

12. For jewellery Events only: passport/national identity card numbers and document scans may be collected from visitors to jewellery Events for the prevention and detection of crime, and to protect the security and safety of the jewellery Events.  Such identity verification data will be stored in Informa Markets’ database for a reasonable time after your visit to the Event.  Informa Markets does not use such identity verification data for any other purpose and will not share it with any third parties unless required by law or any lawful request of any enforcement agencies.  Informa Markets will not be able to process your pre-registration for any jewellery Event without such identity verification data.

13. You expressly assume all risks associated with, resulting from or arising in connection with your participation in and/or attendance at the Event.  Informa Markets does not make any warranty as to the Event in general, including, without limitation, in relation to: (a) the presence, absence or location of any exhibitor, sponsor or attendee, (b) the number of exhibitors, sponsors or attendees, and/or (c) the benefit or outcome (commercial or otherwise) that you may achieve as a result of attending the Event.  All indemnities, warranties, representations, terms and conditions (whether express or implied) except as set out herein and/or as may be otherwise expressly advised as part of the particular Event’s registration process are excluded.  Informa Markets and all entities within the Informa Group (as well as any employees or other representatives of the same) exclude all liability for any loss, injury, disease or damage whatsoever that you may suffer in connection with or arising from the Event whether direct, indirect, consequential, special, incidental or punitive loss, injury or damage (including, without limitation, injury or disease to persons, property damage, theft, loss of profits, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill, loss or corruption of data or any other type of economic loss, injury or damage) or otherwise.  For the avoidance of doubt, Informa Markets shall not incur any liability whatsoever for any products displayed or sold by any exhibitor or sponsor at the Event.  The limitations and exclusions in this paragraph only apply to the extent permitted by applicable law.

14. The rights and remedies of Informa Markets are cumulative and are not exclusive of any rights and remedies provided by law and may be waived only in writing and specifically.  Any delay or failure to exercise any right or remedy is not a waiver of the same.

15. Informa Markets reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions (without notice) from time to time and you will be subject to the terms and conditions in force at the time that the Event is staged.

16. In case of any discrepancy between the English and other language versions of these terms and conditions, the English shall prevail.



You should consider carefully whether or not you will be able to participate in any activities offered as part of the visitor programme.  Informa Markets warns that some activities may be physically demanding and/or carry inherent dangers.  You understand that some exercise-based activities may be a risk to your physical health and safety if you do not perform them correctly.  You accept that, if a visitor programme exists for the Event you are attending, it is entirely your responsibility to decide whether or not participation in any activity offered as part of the visitor programme is appropriate to your capabilities, aptitude, fitness and health.  If you have any concerns about your capabilities, aptitude, fitness and/or health to participate you should consult with (and follow the recommendations of) a medical professional prior to engaging in any activity.  If at any time during any activity you feel unwell or consider that it is unsafe for you to continue, please stop the activity immediately and seek appropriate advice.  You also accept that it is entirely your responsibility to observe all health and safety requirements and instructions that you may be given in relation to activities.  If you are participating in any activity that is offered virtually for participation in a home or office environment, you should ensure that your environment is safe, provides adequate space and is free of dangerous or hazardous objects and materials.  Informa Markets and all entities within the Informa Group (as well as any employees or other representatives of the same) exclude all liability for any loss, injury, disease or damage whatsoever that you may suffer in connection with or arising from your participation in any activities offered as part of the visitor programme (including, without limitation, any activities held outside of, or incidentally to, the main Event that you are attending), whether direct, indirect, consequential, special, incidental or punitive loss, injury or damage (including, without limitation, injury or disease to persons, property damage, theft, loss of profits, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill, loss or corruption of data or any other type of economic loss, injury or damage) or otherwise.  The limitations and exclusions in this paragraph only apply to the extent permitted by applicable law.



If you wish to contact us in relation to these terms and conditions, please contact us at: Informa Markets – Legal Department, Informa PLC, 5 Howick Place, London, SW1P 1WG, UK / +44 (0) 20 7017 5000

Exhibition Visitor Regulations


In order to create a safe, orderly exhibition environment, maintain on-site order and improve the quality of exhibitions, the following regulations shall be strictly followed:

i.  Entering and exiting the venue

1. Visitors will be allowed to enter the exhibition center (venue) or designated area only after "real name pre-registration and identity verification"; Visitors shall utilize their own identity document and are prohibited from sharing their identity document to others.  All visitors must enter the venue in an orderly fashion and under the guidance of the organizer.

2. All visitors shall go through security check and shall not bring prohibited and restricted items into the venue; Visitors are prohibited from taking exhibits out of the venue.

Note: Prohibited items refer to items that are prohibited by China laws and regulations; Restricted items refer to items that are not allowed inside the venue for safety and operation reasons.  

ii.  General Guideline

3. Visitors are prohibited from climbing over barriers (walls, partition board, booths etc.), damaging, destroying, or stealing exhibits.

4. Smoking and open flames are prohibited inside the venue; Visitors are prohibited from moving, mishandling, or damaging fire-fighting equipment in the venue.

5. Spitting, shouting, trashing and other uncivilized behaviors in the venue are prohibited; Visitors are also prohibited from occupying a public area for a long duration, destroying public facilities and other behaviors that might affect other visitors.

6. Visitors should strictly observe the safety and usage rules on elevators, escalators, and stairs. It is forbidden to sit, lie, play, run on escalators, and carry out dangerous behaviors such as pushing wheelchairs and baby carriages on escalators.

7. The venue and organizers might post "Do not take photos or videos" signs in corresponding areas.  Visitors are not allowed to take photos or videos in these corresponding areas.  The use of flashes, selfie sticks, drones and other photography equipment without permission is prohibited.

8. Without the consent of the organizer, it is prohibited to conduct interviews, commercial filming, live broadcasting, video recording, performances, and other self-created activities; In case of special circumstances, visitors must follow the guidance of on-site staff for an orderly dispersion or evacuation.

9. Chanting slogans , holding up banners, wearing clothes that display personal demands are prohibited; Without permission of the organizer, it is prohibited to distribute surveys, leaflets, conduct public opinion polls, organize fundraisers, request visitors to scan codes in exchange for gifts.  All behavior or activities must conform to China laws, regulations and social ethics.  

iii.  Management and Responsibilities

10. The venue’s safety management team have equipped the venue with security personnel, CCTV, firefighting equipment, first-aid, and other equipment for the safety of all visitors.  

11. The venue and organizers should strengthen both exhibitor and visitor traffic flow management, optimize the routes in and out of the venue under the guidance of the police, fire, and other regulatory departments ,  and have a plan in place for safety incidents such as stampedes.  In case of emergency, visitors must follow instructions from the on-site staff, and evacuate in an orderly manner.

12.The organizer shall conduct a comprehensive review of all disputes arising from the exhibition and report it to the public security department in a timely manner.

13.The organizer should set up a "dedicated area" to connect with personnel from the Market Supervision Bureau, Consumer Protection Commission, Intellectual Property Office, Public Security, and other departments as well as professional service providers, to offer support and protection to all exhibitors and visitors.  

14.The venue and organizers should strengthen the logistics management of the exhibition, standardize all logistics service fees to ensure that all costs are transparent and openly listed.  Non-approved logistics companies shall be prohibited from entering the venue.  

15. In case of any violation, the venue and the organizer reserves the rights to ask the violator to stop immediately and/or be escorted off the venue.

16. If personal and property losses are involved, the venue, the organizer and other right holders shall hold the perpetrator responsible for the corresponding legal liability in according with China law.

iv.  Others

17. Anything not covered within the above clauses shall be subject to official announcements by the venue, organizers, and the local government.  

18.This visitor regulation shall become effect ive on October 26, 2023.



Ticket Purchasing and Visiting Instructions



i.  Ticket purchasing

1.  ID document is required for ticket purchasing. The ticket price is RMB 100 ;

2.  Tickets are valid for 3 days with multi-entries;

3.  Visitors must complete all steps of pre-registration by   4 pm, May 21, 2024 to receive a free ticket;

4.  Full price tickets can be purchased from 4 pm, May  21, 2024  until 12pm, May  2 4 , 2024 ;

5.  Tickets will be bound to your own ID document; Each ticket can only be bound to one unique ID document; Tickets are generated electronically.  All tickets are for self-use and are non-transferable;

6.  Valid Credentials : People's Republic of China (PRC) Identity Card/ Passport/ Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents/ Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents/ Taiwan Compatriots Card etc.;

7.  Once used  or expired (tickets are valid until 2 pm, May 24, 2024) , tickets are non-refundable.

8.  If e lectronic receipts  are needed, please email Hailey.He@informa.com by June 30, 2024;

9.  Online payment only supports WeChat. If you need to pay by other methods, please go to ticket purchasing counter (cash in RMB only, Alipay, UnionPay, VISA, Mastercard are supported);


ii.  Visiting  

1.  Show Address: Shanghai New International Expo Center (No. 2345, Longyang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China)

2.  A dmission time:

9:00-17:00, May 22, 2024

9:00-17:00, May 23, 2024

9:00-14: 0 0, May 24, 2024

3.  Deadline for ticket purchas ing : 12 pm May 24, 2024;

4.  After ticket purchase, please go to identity verification counter; Ticket, identification, and person must match, if not, the organizer reserves the right s  to refuse admission ;


iii.  Kind reminder

1.  In order to protect your property and rights, please purchase tickets through the official channels of the organizer; All consequences arising from the purchas ing  tickets through any unofficial channels will be borne by individuals;

2.  It is recommended for visitors to purchase tickets after arriving on-site in case of conflict of schedule or interest;

3.  Please plan your itinerary in advance and make appropriate preparations before purchasing your ticket, as ticket returning can only be done on-site.  

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.




购票及 参观 须知


1.  本届展会须实名制购票入场,展会票价 100元;

2.  门票 3天通用,可重复多次入场

3.  2024 5 2 1 16 点前完成 身份证实名登记 的观众,可限时领取免费门票

4.  2024 5 21 16 2024 5 24 中午 1 2 ,观众须购买全价门票入场;

5.  门票 绑定身份证件,一人限购一张, 门票 为电子门票。 现场凭本人身份证入场,不可转让 ;

6.  证件支持: 身份证 / 护照 / 港澳居民来往内地通行证/台湾居民来往大陆通行证 等;

7.  门票一经使用入场或门票过期(门票有效期至 2024 5 24 14 点),不可退票;

8.  需要开具发票的观众, 可在 2024 6 30 日前 发送邮件至Hailey.He@informa.com

9.  线上支付方式仅支持微信,如需通过其他方式进行支付,可在登记完成后凭支付页二维码至现场人工柜台进行付款(仅支持人民币现金、支付宝、银联、 VISA、Mastercard等支付方式);



1.  展会地点:上海新国际博览中心(上海市浦东新区龙阳路 2 345 号)

2.  观众入场时间:

9:00-17:00, May 22, 2024

9:00-17:00, May 23, 2024

9:00-14: 0 0, May 24, 2024

3.  购票截止时间: 2 024 5 2 4 日中午 12 点;

4.  购票完成后,请到现场人工柜台验证身份信息,票、证、人不一致的,主办方有权拒绝入场;



1.  为了保护您的财产和权益不受到损失,请通过主办方官方渠道购票,一切从非官方渠道购票产生的后果均由个人承担;

2.  展会期间,建议观众到达现场后再购票,以免行程有变造成您的财产损失;

3.  购买前请您提前规划好行程,做好相应准备,以免影响您的正常 参观 ,感谢您的理解和配合


*China Beauty Expo is a professional B2B platform. The organizer reserves the rights to refuse entry to any visitor and or expel anyone already inside the venue at its sole discretion. Being that this is a professional exhibition, selling of exhibits are prohibited.